Coffee is one of the most widely traded commodities in the world. Over 60% of French people prefer coffee to tea over breakfast. There is a multitude of varieties of coffee on the market, classified into different categories. Defining the quality of coffee depends on several criteria.
It is above all on the basis of these criteria that producers and importers differentiate between good and bad quality coffee.
The criteria for evaluating a green coffee
At first glance, it is impossible to really recognize good coffee. If it is still green coffee, to ensure its quality, account must be taken of its origin; its operator and its producer. The species of the product is also to be considered. There are two species of coffee namely Arabica and Robusta. In evidence, an Arabica of high altitude is always better qualities than another of medium altitude.
For a green coffee, the methods of treatment are also essential points to be able to determine if the coffee will be good or not. These methods include how the product was picked, how it was washed, how it was dried. One grain picked by hand is always more attractive than another picked by machine. Once dry, quality coffee is one that has a grain with a moisture value of about 11% and that is between 4 and 8 mm wide.
Methods to recognize well-roasted coffee
Even if coffee is already roasted, it is still possible to recognize which one is “good”. The shape of the grains is the first clue to take into account. Once roasted, a good coffee bean is one that does not show any breaks. After roasting, the beans must remain whole except in the case of elephant beans. The quality of a roasted coffee is also recognized in the color of its beans. When it is well homogeneous, this proves that all the procedures linked to coffee processing were well respected. This includes picking, fermentation, separation of the beans.
Film condition… an important clue
When coffee is of good quality, during roasting, the husk of the beans must disappear. Otherwise, it should at least turn into a small visible white furrow only in the middle of the coffee beans. If it is plain coffee, this small groove becomes brownish and is hardly visible.
The freshness of coffee
Good coffee is one that is endowed with all its freshness. When this product is very fresh, it should neither be oily nor be shiny. The freshness of coffee depends first of all on how it is stored. The less the grains are exposed to light and air, the more quality they will be, therefore better for consumers.
Fresh coffee is also one that has been roasted for a short time
Final coffee evaluation
After the roasting evaluation, the last evaluation of a coffee is done by studying the quality of the coffee powder obtained from the beans. Good coffee is one that easily crumbles when turned into powder. Once in the mouth, the taste of the coffee is the last criterion that makes it possible to know whether the product is good or bad.