How To Make Good Coffee With An Italian Coffee Maker?

How To Make Good Coffee With An Italian Coffee Maker?

The Italian coffee maker is undoubtedly the most famous coffee maker in the world. It has allowed coffee with a unique taste for decades. After having been patented in 1933 under the name of Moka Express thanks to Alfonso Bialetti who is the founder of the large company Bialetti which manufactures the Italian coffee maker, this latter has seen its fame across all the continents.


It is in all markets. It is a real coffee machine that combines history and design. There are several types, namely: the classic Italian aluminium coffee maker, the Italian induction coffee maker (usually made of stainless steel) and the Italian electric coffee maker with a base to heat the coffee. The capacity of Moka coffee makers ranges from 1 cup to 18, knowing that a Mocha cup generally makes 5 cl of coffee.

And now comes the fundamental question that you are certainly asking yourself: how to make good coffee with your Italian coffee maker? The operating principle of the Italian coffee maker is very simple, but it is essential to know the steps to follow to make a success of your coffee.

These are the ingredients to use, for example, the type of coffee to use, the ideal grind to use, the type of water to use, the type of heater to use, how to maintain your coffee maker, etc. These are very important things that you need to know in order to enjoy your full-bodied and flavoured coffee made with your Italian coffee maker.

The ingredients to use to make a good coffee with the Mocha coffee maker

He who wishes to travel far take care of his mount. Who wants to have good coffee with the Italian coffee maker has all the ingredients. The ingredients are essential for good coffee, especially when you have to make it with the Italian coffee maker. Thus, you essentially need two ingredients to make good coffee with the Moka Express: coffee and water naturally.

What coffee and grind to use for your Italian coffee maker?

But then which coffee to use for your successful Italian Moka coffee because the choice of coffee is essential. To do this, you must choose a ground coffee which must be slightly more finely ground than that for filter coffee. Note that for the best quality of coffee, take 100% Arabica and avoid mixing with Robusta.

Do you opt for coffee beans? Be careful not to grind it too much with your coffee grinder. This will prevent the coffee from being too fine. It is therefore important to have a good coffee grinder that can be adjusted to grind with a certain homogeneity. Note that the coffee beans must be fresh to bring out all the aromas.

What water to use for your Italian coffee maker?

The water to be used must be fresh, but not necessarily cold, and pure/filtered. This is a very important criterion since it is in this quality that you will get the desired taste for your coffee with the Italian coffee maker. Quality water will give quality coffee. Note that some put water that has already been heated in a kettle (at 80 ° C) in the coffee maker to speed up the preparation of coffee.

In addition to these ingredients, you must have certain materials and accessories to properly prepare your coffee. This is naturally your mocha coffee maker, cups (knowing that a mocha cup is equivalent to about 5 cl of coffee), a container filled with cold water or any other device allowing you to have water fresh, a coffee grinder if you want to grind your coffee, a scale, a heat source to power your coffee maker and a timer. Once all the necessary ingredients and equipment have been assembled, you can proceed to the actual preparation of your coffee with the Moka coffee maker in the state of the art.

How to prepare a coffee with your Italian coffee maker?

The preparation of Moka coffee is simple but must be done with great delicacy. We will take the example on 3 cups of coffee. To start, you must pour filtered water (160ml) into the tank at the bottom of the coffee maker until you reach the safety valve.

Then, fill the central funnel of the mocha coffee maker with 15 g of coffee. It is recommended to tip the balance on the bottom of the coffee maker so that the surface of the coffee is flat. After that, you have to screw the compartment on top of the coffee maker. To heat the coffee, it is advisable to use low heat or a heat source at medium temperature to avoid overheating of the coffee maker, which will affect the quality of the drink.

Use your timer to count down 5 minutes, after which time the mocha coffee will appear in the top compartment of your coffee maker. One minute after that, you must remove your coffee maker from the heat or cut off its heating source and quickly immerse the bottom part in the container filled with cold or ice water.

All these steps being followed, your coffee is finally ready, well-bodied and very rich in aroma. Now use the jug from your Italian coffee maker to fill your cups with exquisite flavoured coffee.

How do I clean the Moka coffee maker after use?

The way you maintain your coffee maker determines its longevity and the quality of the coffee it offers. After using your mocha coffee maker, it is advisable not to use soap to clean its interior. You just have to rinse it well with hot water.

Indeed, this allows you to always keep the smell of coffee in your coffee maker (especially if it is made of aluminium) in order to protect you from the metallic taste that could harm your health. This is why some people prefer Italian stainless steel coffee makers. But, whatever type of Italian coffee maker you have at home, you must maintain it well to allow it to make good coffee for several years. For this, it is essential to follow these cleaning tips to keep your Italian coffee maker always clean .

What are the differences between Italian coffee and mate?

Caffeine level

Coffee and mate have a more or less similar level of caffeine , but the former contains a little more. The body tolerates the second better.

It is interesting to note that the mate can be consumed by a pregnant woman who loves coffee. This drink prevents him from increasing the heart rate and blood pressure that can be caused by an excess of caffeine. The trick is knowing how to prepare the mate properly.
The other components

Coffee contains vitamins and minerals, but mate is richer at this level. It is the seeds that are treated in the first case while the second uses the leaves. The latter contains around 90% antioxidants and several amino acids.

To this wealth are added various vitamins including vitamins A, C, B1 or even B5. Mate also contains magnesium, iron or sodium.

The effects

Coffee and mate are both drinks that can be described as energizing. With the difference that the first can cause various undesirable effects.

These effects are absent when taking a mate . The latter is among others composed of caffeine and xanthine which are respectively physical and brain stimulants. They fight against fatigue both in the body and in the mind.

The combination of caffeine and xanthine with polyphenols is the reason why you are protected from the disadvantages of coffee by drinking mate. You avoid several disorders including palpitations, nervousness or stomach problems caused by the mixture between caffeine and acid.

Mate gives you a feeling of relaxation and provides the energy necessary to face the day while optimizing concentration.


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