- What type of coffee do you get with express coffee machines? Coffee with an intense flavor with the body and a good crown of cream. If we vary the fineness of the coffee grinding or the pressure, we can alter the flavor of the espresso coffee. They usually have a steam channel used to froth milk and make cappuccino or latte.
- What type of maintenance do espresso machines need? Lime is the enemy of our coffee machines. To clean the mechanism of the coffee maker we can prepare a mixture of water, coarse salt, and lemon juice. The mixture will go through our coffee maker and clean it quickly. Then we have to rinse the machine using normal water. We repeat the operation a few times.
- How do you get a real espresso coffee? According to the Italian Institute of Expresso Coffee, espresso machines channel a small amount of almost boiling water with at least 9 bar pressure through finely-ground coffee to achieve a true espresso. The result is a thicker, creamier coffee with more caffeine inside. The pressure is the key.