How Is Coffee Made Decaf?

How Is Coffee Made Decaf? How do you remove caffeine from coffee to decaffeinate?

Caffeine is an exciting substance that coffee contains and for many, the reason you drink this drink. But precisely because it is exciting, there are those who choose to drink coffee without caffeine, at least after a certain time to avoid affecting sleep. Today we want to tell you how is coffee made decaf.

Whether it is for medical reasons because you drink many cups of coffee or simply because you like it better, if you drink decaffeinated coffee you will be interested to know how to proceed to remove the caffeine from coffee beans to facilitate its consumption to those who do not want to give up coffee But they are affected if they drink this drink with their usual caffeine.

How caffeine is taken from coffee to make decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeinated coffee is practically the same as caffeinated coffee both in taste, body, cream, and other properties, except, logically, in its caffeine content.

In the nineteenth century, a process began to discover how to remove caffeine from coffee without spoiling the grain in order to continue making quality coffees but free of the exciting substance.

To make decaffeinated coffee, it is based on the varieties of Arabic coffee that usually has lower caffeine content. Among these, the coffee grown in height is preferred, although research is still being carried out in the laboratory when strains or varieties of coffee appear with a lower content after genetic crosses and mutations since the objective would be to obtain a coffee plant that produces coffee with A lot of flavor and body but with little caffeine.

Until the research allows us to reach that variety of caffeine-free coffee, what is done is to remove the caffeine that contains the grain, by wet, chemical methods, or by applying pressure.

Wet Method

This method consists of moistening the coffee beans that are then mixed with water and coffee extract without caffeine, allowing an osmosis process to transfer the caffeine from the beans to the liquid in which it is dissolved. The beans are then dried in a stream of air and are ready for packaging or roasting.

Chemical Method

The green coffee beans are moistened and soaked in a chemical solvent whose active principle is methylene chloride, a substance that dissolves the caffeine.

Once dissolved, by means of the heat the chloride is evaporated and the grains are washed with water to remove any remainder. Then the coffee is dried with hot air.

This is the most common method since it is the cheapest method for the coffee industry, although the most demanding consumers prefer decaffeinated products obtained by the other methods.

Physical Method by Pressure

Through this method, caffeine is removed by a system that combines pressure with CO2 intervention. To eliminate caffeine, the coffee is subjected to a pressure of 275 atmospheres, causing CO2 to circulate between the beans, penetrating them as a result of the pressure and contributing to dissolve the caffeine.

When washing and drying the grains, the caffeine is no longer there and has not acted with chemicals on the grain, so this way is very good to obtain a quality decaf. The problem is the cost of this method that makes the industry reserve it for more expensive or higher quality coffees.

What is done with the caffeine that the coffee industry removes?

Each year, said caffeine is purified and recovered, being destined to the pharmaceutical and food industries to make additives, medicines, sports supplements, drinks, and other products such as those of the cosmetic industry.
Decaffeinated classes

Due to its presentation, we find decaffeinated “sachets”, which have been dehydrated for distribution in packages of a single dose that is made by dissolving the decaffeinated coffee powder in water or milk, and “machine” decaffeinated which are the grains ready for grinding and brewing in the presentation requested by those who will consume it.

You know how is coffee made decaf. And you, do you usually drink decaf? Does coffee affect your nerves or sleep? How do you like coffee more?


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