We like it full-bodied, floral or even bitter ... We consume it fair trade organic, in the morning or at lunch break ... We drink it sweet or with a hint of hazelnut ... Coffee has as many surprising flavors as it does in different ways. use. Across the world, the number of coffee enthusiasts is in the billions and continues to grow. According to the Planetoscope website, each year, 400 billion cups of coffee are drunk worldwide, which is equivalent to 1684 cups per second.

Indeed, coffee is a powerful antioxidant! Daily coffee consumption offers considerable health benefits. The antioxidant properties of coffee are numerous. Antioxidants help maintain physical and brain health by fighting cardiovascular disease and skin aging as well as certain more serious diseases. They also fight against chronic diseases and degenerative diseases by delaying their appearance and development. An American study of people over 65 indicates that the level of caffeine in the blood has an impact on the development of Alzheimer's disease. People with high caffeine levels took two to four more years to develop the condition.
Coffee also increases mental performance. This is probably the number one benefit of coffee for many consumers. Caffeine, which is one of the main properties of coffee, plays an important role in mental performance. This allows, among other things, to reduce the feeling of fatigue and improve concentration through a stimulating effect.
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Thanks to the effects produced by caffeine, it is no surprise that coffee is the most consumed drink at work. Coffee allows you to work longer and more efficiently. The importance of concentration and the use of intellectual capacities in certain mental or sporting activities are paramount. It is, therefore, the perfect ally to improve productivity at work or to optimize the capacities necessary for intellectual activity. Certain professions, exposed to stress or permanent bluff, require perfect use of the mind.
The coffee improves physical performance. If coffee does not directly participate in physical fitness or muscle growth, it is nevertheless a powerful energizer and has multiple virtues. Caffeine has been shown to have beneficial effects on sports performance thanks to the increase in lipolysis during exercise and the preservation of glycogen stores. Caffeine brings considerable energy gain to the body. Its effect on the central nervous system makes it possible to reduce the feeling of fatigue and to resist longer. The properties of coffee are most effective within an hour of ingestion and for short and intense efforts.
Another health benefit allocated to coffee: it prevents diabetes. The majority of studies reviewed to date have shown that drinking coffee would help prevent type 2 diabetes. Specialists have shown that drinking coffee up to four cups a day would decrease the risk of developing diabetes. 23% to 50% of the subjects studied.

Finally, it is a beauty partner: coffee has the advantage of being a formidable ally for the line, in particular thanks to caffeine, a powerful “fat-burner”, which helps to preserve its silhouette while toning the skin. The latter is also very effective against cellulite since it helps fight dead cells. The antioxidants contained in number in coffee help, in turn, to maintain youth and firmness. They have an effect on skin aging and prevent the appearance of wrinkles, spots, dryness, etc.
So, ready to take a second cup?