The Different Types Of Tea And Their Benefits

Types Of Tea And Their Health Benefits

For ages, tea has undoubtedly been the most consumed drink in the world after water because it provides instant pleasure, is virtuous and has countless benefits for the body. Indeed, it contains a huge amount of active ingredients that do us good only if we do not abuse it too much, as with everything else. There are different types, including green tea, black tea, oolong tea and white tea. Want to know more about this drink? We have taken care to draw up a list of their benefits. Overview of the subject!

For 1000+ years, tea has been part of the lifestyle of people around the world, who have sought in this drink it’s healing, relaxing and inspiring properties, and today there is more and more research aimed at demonstrating its benefits for the Health. Although in Spain the infusions of chamomile and pennyroyal or mint are perhaps the most consumed, tea already has a large number of followers in its different varieties.

It seems that we are always talking about the same thing, about coffee. As if that was the only thing we did. Of course not, we also know a lot about teas. That is why in this post we have decided to talk about the different types of tea that exist. Depending on its properties and effects, you can decide which one suits you best.

Green Tea

Tea is classified by colour. And among the best known, there is green tea or Camellia Sinensis in botany. It is one of the most powerful in terms of tea which has earned it a place in the list of medicinal plants for almost 5000 years already. There are nearly 8000 varieties of green tea such as Sencha, Gyokuro or Gunpowder, etc., most of which come from China and Japan.

Green tea is made from young shoots which are oxidized less and processed less so that it can keep its natural colour (green). And thanks to this short-term treatment, it preserves its subtle flavour that we appreciate so much.

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is an excellent health ally because its properties help prevent more than sixty diseases and cure more than twenty. Namely the active ingredients it has such as flavonoids and catechins.

But green tea also contains other healing substances such as flavonols, saponins, essential amino acids, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, carotenoids, essential oils, chlorophyll, enzymes and fatty acids. It is therefore ideal for treating various diseases such as allergies, influenza, inflammations caused by bacteria or for preventing cancers and the list goes on.

It is also famous for its slimming properties because green tea has an antioxidant, theine and polyphenol content, active ingredients in the caffeine family that burn fat and slow down its assimilation by the body. If you dream of a flat stomach, preserve your dream figure or regulate your weight, include green tea in your slimming program. You can find a whole dedicated range on the website

Green Tea

Green tea is made from unfermented tea leaves, which, once harvested, are allowed to dry and undergo heat treatment.

Benefits of Green Tea

  • It is low in theine.
  • It is rich in minerals.3
  • Reduces stress.
  • It provides vitamins A, C and E.
  • It is one of the teas that contain the most antioxidants.
  • Its consumption is not recommended for pregnant women or women during lactation, as well as in people with hypertension.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.
  • It favours the reduction of glucose in the blood.
  • It is hepatoprotective.
  • Help prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • It stimulates the immune system.
  • It prevents ear infections, colds and flu.
  • Strengthens memory.
  • It helps fight to age.
  • It prevents cavities.
  • Green tea stimulates metabolism and helps lose weight.
  • Protects against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
  • Reduces the risk of arthritis.
  • Relieves allergies.
  • Helps strengthen bones.
  • Helps reduce cholesterol levels.

Red Tea

types of tea


This tea is also known as phu erh and also as “emperor tea”. Its elaboration was discovered by chance when trying to extend the conservation of green tea.

Benefits of Red Tea

  • It is used in purifying and weight loss diets.
  • Perfect for diets for the liver.
  • It is antioxidant and digestive.
  • It helps regulate cholesterol.
  • Boosts the immune system.
  • It lifts the mood.
  • Its consumption is not recommended to pregnant or lactating women, as well as to
  • hose who suffer from high blood pressure, nervousness, anxiety and problems falling asleep.

Black Tea

The colour of the tea, its chemical property and its taste are obtained according to the degree of fermentation that the leaves undergo after harvest. The black tea or known by the name red tea in the West is black because its leaves have been a much longer treatment, unlike green tea. Its completed oxidation makes it more loaded with theine than the others. Like green tea, there are also several varieties such as smoked tea, black tea from Ceylon, black tea from Keemun or black tea from Dian Hong, etc.

Benefits of Black Tea

Drinking 3 cups of black tea a day keeps doctors away. Indeed, it also contains many active ingredients that are good for health. Among them, there are antioxidants which have the benefit of reducing the risk of infarction by 11%, improving blood circulation and delaying the effects of ageing (appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, etc.).

Its high catechin content (much less than green tea) makes it a slimming ally par excellence and helps to lose weight. Otherwise, drinking black tea also prevents cavities and soothes migraines. It is also advised to treat cases of infection linked to digestion such as gastroenteritis or aerophagia. We can also cite diabetes, diarrhoea and osteoporosis in women …

The more you consume black tea, the higher its effects will be, provided of course that you respect a certain dose. For this, we advise you to drink 6 to 8 cups a day, no more.

Oolong Tea or Blue Tea

The Oolong tea which is also known as the “Wu Long tea” (Black Dragon), is also among the varieties of tea. He is from the Fujian region of China. Many people do not know, because it represents only 2% of world tea. It differs from others by its oxidation which is incomplete, which gives it a colour between green (not oxidized) and black (complete oxidation).

And it consists of whole leaves low in caffeine. That said, Oolong tea is a flavoured and flavoured tea as we like it thanks to cis-jasmone and methyl cis-jasmonate, two fragrant components of jasmine.

Benefits of Oolong tea

The active ingredients in Oolong tea act as anxiolytics and sedatives whether you drink it or absorb it by inhalation. Among them is theanine, an amino acid that helps with relaxation and soothes the feeling of stress that the body experiences. Furthermore, its high content of antioxidant polyphenols is known to prevent diabetes by reducing the level of insulin and controlling the blood sugar level.

It is also recommended to improve brain function or even prevent Alzheimer’s disease thanks to the presence of theanine, caffeine and the antioxidants that help focus. Finally, drinking Oolong tea strengthens teeth and bones. It is therefore not prohibited to drink it several times a day, but you must limit yourself to a maximum of 10 cups.

  • Accelerates metabolism
  • It helps to lose weight.
  • It is an antioxidant.
  • Improves digestion.
  • It fights cholesterol.
  • It prevents cancer.
  • Preserves the cardiovascular system.
  • Maintains the condition of the skin.

White Tea

The white tea is also one of the varieties of tea. We don’t often hear about it on a daily basis because it is among the rarest. And it is only picked a few days a year, which explains why it is the most expensive tea in the world.  White tea is obtained from buds and tips of very young leaves that have been dried for a long time. A drying time which gives it a very delicate and aromatic taste. That said, it is much blander than the others.

Benefits Of White Tea

According to the researchers, white tea contains a higher dose of catechins than green tea, that is, antioxidants. A property that makes it a natural elixir of youth that neutralizes the free radicals that cause cell ageing.

It also strengthens the immune system by eliminating viruses and bacteria. It is, therefore, a good remedy for flu or toothache. In addition, the catechin present in white tea is also ideal for a detox cure to drain the kidneys, which limits water retention.

Warning! The consumption of tea, whatever its colour is prohibited in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. That said, they can drink it provided they only choose teas with low caffeine content.


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